Whether it’s your wedding day or you’re just trying out something new, airbrush makeup is a tool that looks fantastic. With an even application and smooth finish, there’s so much to love about this cosmetic technique. No matter if you’re a novice or a pro, here is all you need to know about this foundation formula.

What is Airbrush Makeup?

airbrush makeup

Aerógrafo makeup is a technique that’s applied without brushes, sponges or fingers. Using a special sprayer, the machine creates an even surface of foundation across the skin. The system is created with a mini air compressor that provides a smooth and controlled airflow through a medical-grade tube and nozzle. This apparatus is often used for theatre, film and bridal makeup.

How Long Does Airbrush Makeup Last?

One of the benefits of using airbrush makeup is its longevity. The technique often lasts for 12 hours, and some applications can last even longer than average. This is ideal for those who are busy all day and don’t have time for a touch-up. Of course, you’ll want to make sure you have a steady hand, you don’t want patchy makeup all day!

How Good is Airbrush Makeup Coverage?

airbrush makeup

As airbrush makeup is very light in weight, you can create any depth of coverage that you may need. From a sheer application to something a bit fuller. With every swipe, you’ll notice that the cosmetics will become thicker, as with regular foundation. However, if you wish to cover dark circles or larger imperfections, it’s best to use traditional products prior to running over with the apparatus.

Which Skin Type Does Airbrush Makeup Best Suit?

For those with dry or flaky skin, it’s best to avoid using airbrush foundation, as it can make your pores feel worse. Often the ingredients include alcohol, so this type of foundation suits those with combination or normal skin, as it dries throughout the day. The application is far too thin to make a serious impact on dark circles or acne alone, so you should use it in conjunction with traditional cosmetics.

Traditional Makeup vs Airbrush Makeup

traditional makeup

There are many differences between traditional and airbrush cosmetics. Some days it’s just faster to apply liquid foundation with a sponge or brush and is usually best-suited for an everyday look. If you’re heading to the photo studio or you’re about to get married, the spray option provides an HD-ready finish and looks fantastic in photos. As both types of makeup tend to build up with every layer, you may see similar results. However, there are far more options in commonly used bases that are perfect for those with dry or acne-prone skin.

What are the Pros of Airbrush Makeup?

airbrush makeup

If it’s your wedding day and you’d prefer to have long-lasting and flawless skin all day, then airbrush makeup is for you. Not only does it provide you with an HD-ready finish, which looks wonderful in photos, but it’s also a hygienic alternative to traditional cosmetics. Moreover, the foundation doesn’t sink into the skin, but sits on top, leaving a smooth and healthy glow to the surface without blocking your pores.

What are the Cons of Airbrush Makeup?

With the pros comes the cons of airbrush makeup. Much like traditional cosmetics, it takes a lot of practice to achieve the look you’re after. There is a specific skin type that suits this application, and unfortunately, if you have dry or acne-prone pores, this isn’t the right tool for you. You can’t use your regular foundation with one of these machines, either, and it can be quite expensive to maintain the right formula in the apparatus.

Types of Airbrushes and Formulas

airbrush foundation

There are three main types of airbrush makeup. Water-based formulas are an ideal option if you want a matte finish, but they typically have sheer coverage. This is the best option if you want your face to stay on all day, as it’s quick-drying and long-lasting. For a soft-focused finish, you should opt for a silicone-based product. Not only is it sweat, water, and smudge resistant, but it also provides a natural and dewy complexion. If you’re planning on creating intricate body art or special effects designs, then alcohol-based is the right choice for you. It’s the only fully waterproof option and is very drying on the skin, so it’s better used on the body rather than the face.

How Much Does Airbrush Makeup and Airbrush Kit Cost?

Airbrush makeup can be quite expensive. Booking in a session for your wedding day or a photoshoot can cost you $600 for an application. Owning the airbrush kit at home is a lot cheaper, at around $100 to $250. Keep in mind that you will have to spend a bit of extra money on cosmetics.

Airbrush Makeup Tips

  • Always use a primer before applying airbrush makeup.
  • Keep the nozzle at least six inches away from your face while applying.
  • Try not to go overboard with the application.
  • Practice makes perfect. Keep trying new techniques so you can master the skill.


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